We track carbon emissions and explore optimal ways of offsetting the carbon we produce, examples of which include reducing energy consumption and creating a sustainable value chain.
Clean And Efficient Use Of Energy

Besides prioritising improvements in energy efficiencies, plans to integrate and maximise renewable solar energy throughout Mandai precinct have been put into action, setting the stage for our pivot towards greener sources of energy. We are striving towards 100% renewable electricity by 2030. We will implement on-site solar panels at all available and permissible rooftops across new and existing parks, while exploring how to tap into the electricity generated by larger-scale solar farms at off-site locations. To improve operational efficiency in our existing parks, various upgrading and modification projects implemented across the precinct have helped reap energy savings.

Key initiatives include: 

Upgrading of aging equipment to more energy efficient ones, for e.g the upgrade of the filtration system at the Singapore Zoo Pygmy Hippo exhibit and that at the sewer pump station are projected to save 46,643 kWh /year.
Modifications to wet moat circulation pumps operation for Singapore Zoo and Night Safari for e.g. the installation of digital timers to run at alternate hours, with projected savings of 54,676 kWh /year. We also continued to explore the use of solar-powered pumps.

Green Transport

We have been electrifying our internal fleet since 2018 and all electric trams as well as two electric vans are now operational. We also conducted a pilot study to use biodiesel for our Mandai-Khatib Shuttle and are exploring ways to circularise used cooking oil from our kitchens. To support Singapore’s ambition to power all vehicles using clean energy by 2040, we have installed 10 electric vehicle (EV) charging points in our multi-storey carpark.

These are well used by staff as well as park guests, and more EV charging lots will be installed within Mandai precinct. Another 28 EV lots will be made available in the new Mandai development in East Node, and provisions for more in Mandai Wildlife West are being planned.

Our electric tram fleet in operation since 2018
Towards Zero Waste

We target to achieve 60% waste diversion rate by 2030. Measures taken and, in the pipeline, include:

  • Building of two wastewater recycling plants that are expected to meet 21% of our precinct’s future water needs
  • Recycling of horticultural waste into mulch for planting beds and animal bedding. Some 30 back-of-house animal care areas for care are using the bedding
  • Facilitating download for digital park maps to replace some 149,000 printed park maps distributed each month
  • Black soldier fly and blue worm upcycling of animal food waste
  • Catered facilities for Horticulture waste recycling (for new parks)
  • Provisions for Food Waste Composters (for new parks)
Closing Mandai's Water Loop
From rainwater collection to the treatment of wastewater, we continued to devise ways to manage our water resources more effectively.

Rainwater harvesting features are implemented in developing parks where feasible and are projected to meet 5% of Mandai precinct’s water needs.

Ocean Network Express Penguin Cove in Bird Paradise is specially designed to collect rainwater. The water collected is stored in an underground tank and used for watering plants and washing floors.

We are exploring the feasibility of capturing rainwater on-site in existing parks to decrease potable water usage.

Recycling of Wastewater

The Mandai Wildlife Reserve Wastewater Recycling Plant (MWRWRP) treat wastewater from cleaning of animal dens and other back-of-house activities. Best-in-class treatment processes are adopted to ensure the effluent is able to meet high quality standards for reuse. The (MWRWRP) are expected to meet 21% of Mandai precinct’s future water needs.

Our proactive approach to water circularity, where we strive to maximise our usage of each drop of water, was recognised at the Global Water Awards 2023 – the MWRWRP garnered the Distinction Award under the category of Water Reuse Project of the Year.

Manatee Water Recovery System

A manatee's daily food intake is typically 4–7% of its body weight. A 500kg manatee would eat 20–35kg of food in a day, with an output to match. To keep the water in the manatee’s habitat at River Wonders clean while optimising water usage, wastewater from the tank is not directly discharged but cycled through a bio bed filter.

Specially selected plants such as pandan and alligator-flag are grown in the bio bed to remove contaminants in the water. Besides improving water quality, the alligator-flag attracts bees and dragonflies and provides natural shelter for them.

This water recovery system recycles 29,200m3 of water in a year, which amounts to nearly 50% of our annual water savings.

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