Watch our specially curated video guides to discover practical tips and exciting activity ideas for selected exhibits at River Wonders! Suitable for preschool and lower primary.
Video Guide - Mekong River

Video Guide - Mekong River

River Wonders

The enormous Mekong River Exhibit provides up-close opportunities to marvel at river giants like the Mekong giant catfish and giant freshwater stingray.

This video guide highlights activities that enhance children’s observation skills, strengthen gross motor skills, and encourage focus and self-control.

Video Guide - Amazon Flooded Forest

Video Guide - Amazon Flooded Forest

River Wonders

The Amazon Flooded Forest is inspired by the Amazon rainforest during its annual flooding season.

This video guide facilitates observation of the different animals that live in Amazon Flooded Forest and dives into activities that augment children’s vocabulary and hone critical thinking skills.

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