
Animals in Our Care

Asian arowana

Asian arowana

Growing up to 90cm in length, they launch their thin, powerful bodies out of the water to capture aerial prey.

Asian brown tortoise

Asian brown tortoise

Growing up to 60cm in length and 40kg in weight, it is the largest tortoise species in Asia.

Axis deer

Axis deer

These speedy deer can run at speeds of up to 60km per hour and jump over obstacles over 1.5m high.

Bearded pig

Bearded pig

Large and long-legged with elongated faces, these pigs have “beards” up to 15cm long, and tusks up to 25cm in length.

Blind cave fish

Blind cave fish

These fish have a more sensitive lateral line system which detects vibrations or changes in pressure in water.

Blood python

Blood python

These striking snakes can see a thermal image of their surroundings, making them effective hunters in the dark.

Burmese python

Burmese python

Known to grow up to 7m in length, this python is one of the top five largest snakes in the world.

Cave racer

Cave racer

Also called the beauty rat snake, this constrictor has the remarkable ability to move along cave walls very efficiently.

Elongated tortoise

Elongated tortoise

While their patterns range from pale-yellow to solid black, males sport a pink colour around their nostrils when breeding.

Hog deer

Hog deer

These deer often rush through grass with their head down like a pig, rather than bounding over obstacles like other deer.

Lesser mousedeer

Lesser mousedeer

Being one of the world’s smallest hoofed animals, the lesser mousedeer has fangs instead of antlers.

Madagascar hissing cockroach

Madagascar hissing cockroach

One of the largest species of cockroaches it hisses by expelling air through abdominal breathing pores.

Prevost's squirrel

Prevost's squirrel

Their tails aid balance when running, climbing and jumping, and provide warmth when wrapped around them at night.

Red dhole

Red dhole

Living in packs of 5-12, they occasionally play and hunt with other packs, forming temporary “super packs”!

Reticulated python

Reticulated python

Besides being the world’s longest snake, this python is also an excellent swimmer, having been reported far out at sea!

Soro brook carp

Soro brook carp

With a body length of only 15-20cm, soro brook carp prefer to swim in groups of 10-20, eating insects, plants, and fruits.

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